The Egyptian Myth of Creation : In My Own Words.

From the sky goddess, and the earth god, four children were born: Osirs, Isis, Set, and Nepthys. Since Osiris was the oldest of the four he bacame King of Egypt, and he married his little sister Isis. Osiris was a great king, and Set was always jealous of his big brother. One day Set turned into a monster and killed Osiris, the cut him up and spread his body parts all over Egypt. Once Set was finished with Osiris, he married Nepthys, but she felt sorry for her sister. Isis and Nepthys went and found all the parts of Osiris, and ressurected him long enough that they could have a child. Isis became pregnant, and Osiris descended to the underworld and became the god. In time their son was born, and was named Horus, the hawk-god. Once he grew up he decided to tell the court of gods that he was the rightful King of Egypt. For a long time Set and Horus argued, and a contest was placed to determine who the king would be. Set did not play fair, and one day Isis, who felt sorry for her son, decided to set a trap for Set. Set begged for his life, and Isis let him go. Horus became furious at his mother for letting his enemy go, and earned the contempt of the other gods. They called for one more match, that Set would choose. He decided that the final match would be a boat race, with boats made of stone. Horus made his out of wood and covered it with limestone plaster to look like stone. Set cut the top off of a mountain. Set's boat sank immediatley, the gods laughed at him and he turned himself into a hippopotamus and attacked Horus. He fought off Set, but the gods stopped him before he could kill him. The gods called the match a tie, but were sympathetic towards Horus. Then they remembered how he treated his mother for releasing Set, and wouldn't stand behind him completely. The court of gods wrote a letter to Osiris for advice, he responded: "My son is the rightful king, and should be placed upon the throne. No one, should taje the throne of Egypt through an act of murder, as Set had done to me. Set killed me, but Horus has not killed anyone, there for making him the better candidate." The court did not completely agree, so the sun and stars who were the allies of Osiris joined him in the underworld, leaving the world in darkness. The world remained in darkeness until the gods finally agreed and Horus claimed his birthright as King of Egypt. 

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